Saturday, April 24, 2010

Chanel Gorgeosity

Kim is inspired by her clients and collaborates with each individual to ensure she captures their personality, passion and general fabulosity in each case.

This Chanel-inspired iPhone case features:
- Two double locked Chanel C's
- Sterling silver purse
- Sterling silver letter initial 'K'
- Black roses
- Pearls
And is adorned in ALL Swarovski crystals, including the client's favorite color (green)!  View additional images of this lovely case here.

This rush order was crafted in one day for the client's trip to London.  This simply gorgeous case can be catered to suit any Chanel suit-wearing lady.

1 comment:

  1. i received my case today (safely bubble-wrapped!) and it is fab.u.lous. i love it. those camilla roses are not only beautiful but little handles for even more efficient texting. haha! i loves. you're amazing.
